By Anurag S. Rathore, Destin A. LeBlanc
Quality by Design principles such as design space can also be applied to cleaning validation. As discussed in the recently published PDA Technical Report No. 49: Points to Consider for Biotechnology Cleaning Validation, well–designed laboratory-scale studies can be performed using design of experiments, and the data analyzed to understand the cleaning process. With the knowledge of large-scale equipment, one can create an approach that results in a successful cleaning validation.

This article is the twenty-second in the "Elements of Biopharmaceutical Production" series and will discuss the various issues to consider when designing a cleaning-validation program.

In addition, as part of the design and development effort, personnel should consider the various materials of construction used in biotech manufacturing. Laboratory evaluations of cleaning-solution compatibility (e.g., concentration, time, and temperature) and surfaces can be performed under simulated cleaning conditions. Differences between the cleaning of soils on those same surfaces also can be evaluated in the laboratory under simulated cleaning conditions.
These experiments enable employees to make determinations related to cleanability, such as comparing the equipment's materials of construction, comparing various soils for a given surface, and comparing various cleaning conditions (e.g., concentration of the cleaning agent, time, and temperature). Worst-case conditions (e.g., cleaning conditions less stringent than what is expected in the manufacturing equipment) may be employed in these laboratory evaluations. The outcome of these studies can be analyzed to create the design space for cleaning. The performance of the cleaning process in the laboratory is then verified by conducting experiments in the pilot-plant or scale-up equipment. Adjustments to cleaning conditions may be made during the scale-up process based on plant experience and laboratory development studies.
A key consideration in bioprocessing is that the active ingredient is usually degraded by cleaning processes that involve hot, aqueous, alkaline cleaning solutions. Although this degradation is a key mechanism of the cleaning process, and in many cases is required to remove denatured proteins from surfaces, it affects various elements of cleaning validation. For example, after a cleaning process, the active ingredient itself should not be present on cleaning surfaces; if residues are present, they may exist as degradation products of the active ingredient. Also, a specific analytical method for the active ingredient is not usually an appropriate analytical technique to determine whether the cleaning process is effective. These effects are discussed in more detail in Technical Report No. 49.
Because of the degradation of the active ingredients in the cleaning processes for biotech manufacture, the most common practice is to use TOC as the analytical procedure to indicate the removal of the active. TOC also measures other sources of organic carbon, including media, cellular materials, detergents, and organic process materials. If total protein is used as a nonspecific analytical method for the active, that method may measure various protein species. Other methods, such as conductivity, may be used for the cleaning agent.
The appropriate analytical methods must be validated. Typically, validation involves principles from the International Conference on Harmonization's Q2 (R1) (4). Although degraded fragments of the active ingredient are measured in a cleaning-validation protocol, analytical method validation is typically performed with the bulk active itself because this typically reflects the worst case.

Table IV provides a list of the methods that can help set limits for the various cleaning applications (1). Limits for cleaning validation generally contain a measure related to the active protein or other major component of interest, a measure related to the cleaning agent, a measure related to bioburden levels, a measure related to endotoxin levels, and a requirement that the equipment be visually clean. In addition, if the active protein or other process components raise specific toxicity concerns (e.g., cytotoxicity, allergenicity, or reproductive hazards), the manufacturer's toxicology or pharmacology groups may determine whether limits should be modified or whether dedicated equipment is needed.
That approach does not work for limits for the active ingredient in bulk active manufacture. If the carryover limits are calculated using the entire equipment train's surface area, the limits are extremely low. If the active ingredient were undegraded after the cleaning process, it might be possible to measure the active ingredient using a specific analytical technique, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When the carryover limit for the active is converted to a TOC value, it typically is below a quantifiable TOC value for a swab or rinse value. That quantifiable value is close to 100 or 200 ppb carbon because of the background subtraction (i.e., the correction for the blank values).
A further complicating factor is that in the manufacture of the bulk active, residues left after earlier cleaning steps (e.g., until the first purification-process step) may be removed by subsequent purification processes, such as chromatographic purification. Therefore, consistent with ICH Q7, the cleaning of these earlier steps may not be critical for the carryover of residues to the final bulk active (5). Only a few literature references document the degradation of specific drug active proteins during the cleaning process. However, the literature contains ample evidence that proteins generally will degrade in hot, alkaline cleaning solutions. Although not well documented, this effect further mitigates the concern about carryover of residues in bulk active manufacture.
For these reasons, limits for the manufacture of bulk actives in biotech are generally established based on industry standard practice of about 5–10 ppm TOC for upstream processes and 1–2 ppm for downstream processes for any analytical sample, whether a swab sample or a rinse sample. The industry needs to provide more scientific rationales and data to support that practice, and such improvements in support documentation have started to occur.
Another key part of a cleaning-validation program is appropriate sampling methods for the equipment surfaces and for the nature of the study, including the analytical methods used. The principles for sampling methods for biotech manufacture are not fundamentally different from those for sampling in nonbiotech cleaning validation. Sampling methods discussed in Technical Report No. 49 include "direct surface" sampling (e.g., using a fiberoptic probe), swabbing, rinse-water sampling, and placebo sampling. In practice, sampling for biotech manufacture may more likely involve rinse samples because much of the equipment is hard-piped and not readily accessible for swab sampling. Furthermore, some biotech companies like to use mock runs or blank runs (i.e., a type of placebo sampling) to provide an accurate picture of total carryover throughout the entire process of bulk active manufacture.

A key part of the validation life cycle for any system is maintaining the validated state on an ongoing basis. Any change in the validated state of a cleaning process might detract from the quality, safety, and purity of manufactured products. Tools for validation maintenance covered in Technical Report No. 49 include change control, risk-based periodic monitoring, and data trending review. Training and retraining for manual cleaning processes are also significant because they are the primary mechanisms for obtaining consistency in manual cleaning processes.
For biotech and nonbiotech cleaning validation, actual values for residues (e.g., in rinse-water samples) are significantly below the acceptance criterion limit. The reason is that most manufacturers design their cleaning processes with a reasonable margin of safety so that any samples taken during qualification protocols or during routine maintenance will pass the acceptance criteria with a good margin of safety (e.g., a robust cleaning process is designed). Therefore, the fact that actual residue values are significantly below acceptance limits should not by itself be a reason for making qualification protocol limits more stringent. This situation is often addressed by establishing action or alert levels for residues for routine monitoring samples. Routine monitoring results above such action or alert levels provide an indication of a possible change in the cleaning process, thus requiring an investigation into the cause.

Cleaning-validation protocols, like process-validation protocols, should include purpose, scope, responsibilities, applicable products and equipment, cleaning standard operating procedures, acceptance criteria, and a requirement for a final report. Key technical elements include residue limits, sampling procedures and analytical methods.
The master plan for cleaning validation should provide a description of responsibilities and activities for the planning and execution of cleaning validation. It should describe the overall plan, rationale, and methodology for cleaning validation. The plan should provide a high-level description of the cleaning-validation philosophy and strategy that will support the validation activities performed at the site. Detailed procedures for how cleaning validation is executed should be included in individual protocols. The plan will define the efforts required to ensure that the cleaning program complies with current good manufacturing practices. The validation activities are documented according to the requirements of the plan to provide sufficient scientific rationale to assess the suitability of the cleaning program to consistently clean equipment to the required specifications.
Quality risk management (QRM) involves elements of risk assessment, risk control, and periodic review to ensure continuous and effective control (6). It is important to achieve a shared understanding of the application of risk management among diverse stakeholders. Successful implementation of QRM requires support of the whole team, including operations, technical services, engineering, quality control, quality assurance, and regulatory personnel. This support is essential to identifying and addressing conditions that affect CPPs and CQAs for the cleaning or manufacturing process.
This article has reviewed the key issues in biotech cleaning validation. The authors encourage all biotech manufacturers to consult PDA Technical Report No. 49 for a detailed perspective on current practices and issues in biotech cleaning validation.
Anurag S. Rathore* is a biotechnology chemistry, manufacturing, and controls consultant and a faculty member at the Indian Institute of Delhi, India, +91 9650770650,
. Rathore is also a member of BioPharm International's editorial advisory board. Destin A. LeBlanc is the principal consultant at Cleaning Validation Technologies.
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Explore about this topic: Read, "Developing Cleaning in place protocols."
1. PDA, Technical Report No. 49: Points to Consider for Biotechnology Cleaning Validation (PDA, Bethesda, MD, July 2010).
2. PDA, Technical Report No. 29: Points to Consider for Cleaning Validation (PDA, Bethesda, MD, Nov. 1998).
3. PDA, Technical Monograph, Cleaning and Cleaning Validation: A Biotechnology Perspective (PDA, Bethesda, MD, Dec. 1995).
4. ICH, Q2 (R1) Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology, Step 4 version (2005).
5. ICH, Q7 Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Step 4 version (2000).
6. ICH, Q9 Quality Risk Management, Step 4 version (2005).
--Note: This article was first published in BioPharm International's March 2011 issue, and the original posting can be found here.