March 28, 2018

Your Protein Purification Questions Discussed

aktaIn one of Cytiva´s web chats, ÄKTA™ system users asked questions relating to lab-scale protein purification and ÄKTA systems, which experts answered during a live session.

The expert panel included scientists from Cytiva´s R&D team in Uppsala and from Scientific Support. Questions about chromatography techniques, troubleshooting tips and tricks, and the use of ÄKTA systems were submitted in writing by protein purifiers globally.

We have included the questions that were answered, plus a few additional ones that we did not have time to answer during the web chat.

Access Q&A.

Tags: hydrophobic interaction, ion exchange, size exclusion, antibody, tagged protein, affinity, Unicorn, Q&A, lab-scale, AKTA, chromatography, protein purification