Search results for " Downstream PD" in Articles / App Notes
Start With the End in Mind: GMP Tech Transfer
How can you be one step ahead in process development and prepare for future GMP work?
Hear what tech transfer experts have to say about this important issue in this blog. And, learn how to apply …
Handbook: Design of Experiments in Protein Production and Purification
Design of experiments (DoE) is a technique for planning experiments and analyzing the information obtained. The technique allows us to use a minimum number of experiments, in which we systematically v…
Single-Use Workflow for Recovery of a Domain Antibody from E. coli Culture Feed in an Automated Manner
This application note demonstrates the performance of the automated ÄKTA™ readyflux single-use filtration system in microfiltration applications. Here, a domain antibody (dAb) expressed in E. col…
Platform Technologies Improve Protein Expression
Platform technologies facilitate development and accelerate commercialization of protein therapeutics.
By Cynthia A. Challener
Speed to market is essential in the biopharmaceutica…
Tips for Purification Method Editing: Learnings from the Webinar
During the ÄKTA club webinar, “Tips for Protein Purification Method Editing in UNICORN software,” the basics of the UNICORN 7 software were presented. Useful tips and features were demonstrated, …
Work from Anywhere and Add Flexibility to Protein Purification Workflows
The protein purifier of today has a full agenda and many different tasks to perform. It can be difficult to find time for attending full runs in the lab. And when there is time, it might be a challe…
Protein Purification Handbooks
Make sure you have the latest protein purification handbooks!
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, Cytiva handbooks provide practical tips and in-depth information about protein purif…
How to Address Bioburden Challenges: Insights and Tips
Bioburden control is an area of serious concern for anyone making mAbs or other biologicals. Manufacturers’ efforts to avoid microbial contamination are today being complemented by developments from…
Tips for Successful Immunoprecipitation
For immunoprecipitation (IP), there are four main components that you can control to get good results: protocol, resin, format, and antibody. Read these tips to get it right from the start.
Column Selection Guide for ÄKTA Systems
Use this guide to facilitate your selection of prepacked chromatography columns.
The guide includes an overview table that shows compatibility of prepacked column formats and ÄKTA syst…