Search results for "outsourcing" in Articles / App Notes

Article Nurturing Knowledge from Disparate Data Streams
The challenge is further complicated by collaboration with outsourcing partners, suppliers, distributors, and government agencies that have their own disparate systems. Overcoming these challenges wil…

Article CDMOs Driving Emerging Bio/Pharma Success
CDMOs Driving Emerging Bio/Pharma Success CDMOs can claim credit for the robust growth of emerging bio/pharma financings. By Jim Miller Emerging bio/pharmaceutical companie…

Article Industry Adoption of Single-Use Systems Remains Low
For these companies, the only viable option for manufacture of an in-house product candidate would likely be the use of single-use bioprocessing equipment, aside from outsourcing. …

Article Immediate, Flexible Capacity with Hydrated Buffers and Process Liquids
However, trends suggested buffer fluid preparation is one area seeing increase activity in outsourcing, as it reduces bottlenecks and is a low risk and alternative way to increase capacity. Download n…

Article Reconciling Sensor Communication Gaps
“We need to be in line with their thinking to increase their comfort in outsourcing with us,” says Atul Mohindra, PhD, head of mammalian process research and technology at validation, a…

Article Designing a Biomanufacturing Facility Incorporating Single-Use Technologies
Outsourcing this element to an experienced partner can be a cost-effective option. Ultimately, of course, budget is a crucial factor, along with when production needs to commence. But these should…

Article Vaccine Development Faces Urgency and Challenges
Global outbreaks energize vaccine R&D and drive production modernization. By Jill Wechsler The Ebola outbreak in 2015 and the current stampede to develop a new vaccine to combat the Zika vir…

Article Framing Biopharma Success in 2016
Oversized, inefficient research, development, and manufacturing engines were downsized, or transferred to outsourcing providers. In 2015, FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) appro…

Article Tools for Continuous Bioprocessing Development
Could perfusion microbioreactors bring more agility to biomanufacturing? By Rajeev J. Ram In semiconductor manufacturing, for example, a thorough understanding of process variation allows co…

Article Selecting the Right Viral Clearance Technology
By Cynthia Challener, PhD The introduction of adventitious viral agents is a recognized, inherent risk of biologic drug production that is well addressed by international regulatory requirements…

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