Search results for " buffers"
Detecting Protein Aggregates and Evaluating their Immunogenicity
Mar 01, 2015
By Randi Hernandez
BioPharm International
Volume 3, Issue 28
Aggregation in biopharmaceuticals remains a major concern and threatens the stability of a product. Protein …
SEC in the Modern Downstream Purification Process
Mar 01, 2015
By R. Christopher Manzari, J. Kevin O'Donnell
BioPharm International
Volume 3, Issue 28
Since the introduction of commercial chromatography resins approximately six de…
Analyzing Proteins Using SEC, MALS, and UHPLC
The range of columns and buffers available for use in SEC, however, means that there are always improvements to be made in method development, according to Pothecary. “Alternative columns, different …
Under pressure: exploring root causes of leaks in single-use mixers
Single-use technology offers huge benefits for both flexibility and efficiency. It reduces downtime by eliminating cleaning steps, helps avoid risk of cross-contamination, and enables modulari…
Advances in Sterilization Technologies for Overcoming Viral-Vector Manufacturing Challenges
Sterility must be assured for all biologic drug products. Terminal sterilization achieved via treatment with heat, radiation, or certain chemicals (vaporous hydrogen peroxide, vaporous peracet…
FAQs about Cytiva™ Protein Select™ technology
Cytiva™ Protein Select™ resin is an affinity chromatography resin for purifying any recombinant protein that does not have an affinity binding partner.
Purifying a protein tagged with thi…
Cytiva Protein Select Technology Live Webinar
On November 15 2023, Cytiva announced the upcoming launch of Cytiva™ Protein Select™ technology, an affinity chromatography resin for purifying recombinant proteins using the self-cleaving and tracele…
Webinar about a new affinity chromatography technology for recombinant proteins
Introducing new Cytiva™ Protein Select™ resin for recombinant protein purification in research and process development
On November 15, 2023, Cytiva announced the upcoming l…
On-demand webinar: Balancing innovation, speed, and robustness to improve efficiency in upstream process development
Did you miss our webinar on accelerating biopharma development cycles? Watch it now, on demand! We'll cover strategies like cell line development, media development, and raw material characte…
Balancing innovation, speed, and robustness to improve efficiency in upstream process development.
Date: April 26, 2023 2:00pm CEST(8:00am EDT)
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