Search results for "chromatography"
Impact of sporicidal agent on MabSelect SuRe™ protein A resin lifetime
However, many of the protein-based chromatography resins used in purification of biomolecules are sensitive to harsh sanitization conditions. In this application note, the effects of treating MabSelec…
Tips for Protein Purification Method Editing
Protein purification questions and answers from ÄKTA club web chat.
Find out how to quickly generate tailored automation methods in your UNICORN™ software in this blog.
Protein Purification Questions and Answers from ÄKTA Club Web Chat
Do you have recurring discussions in your lab that you need input on? Or do you need support to get on with your protein purification? Around 40 protein purifiers joined our latest ÄKTA club we…
Sources of Bioburden You Might Have Missed
A problem with traditional mAb manufacturing is that there are so many potential entry points for microbial contamination. There are, however, ways to shut the door on contamination.
The risk …
Downstream Processing for Cell-Based Therapies
Other groups have used TFF and expanded-bed chromatography (EBC) as continuous, integrated alternative techniques for the improved washing and concentration of hMSCs (13, 14). Using TFF and EBC, Cunha…
Speed and Flexibility Are Dual Goals for Biopharma Operations
Other product introductions included new chromatography columns, inline process monitoring sensors, lab and pilot-scale filtration systems, and pumps and fluid handling systems. Suppliers also introdu…
Increase Efficiency in Experimentation with Design of Experiments
Setting up an efficient study can help you save time and allow you to get the most out of screening and optimization experiments during method development. Also, good planning and relevant experimen…
Protein Characterization Using SEC: Three Webinar Takeaways
With more than thirty years in protein science, Åke Danielsson, Research Director at Cytiva, recently held a webinar on protein characterization using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Here, …
Walk Away and Do More Screening Preps
Developing a process or looking for a clone of interest often requires screening large numbers of samples. Many analyses require purified protein, and substantial hands-on time might be allocated to…
Vocabulary of the chromatographer
Similar to other technical areas, chromatographers generate their own vocabulary, all with a good scientific purpose and for a common understanding. However, the same terminology can be used in othe…