Search results for " 3d printing"

Article Reducing Cross-Contamination Risks in Process Chromatography
Reducing Cross-Contamination Risks in Process Chromatography Single-use systems provide replaceable fluid paths. By Cynthia A. Challener …

Article SEC in the Modern Downstream Purification Process
Mar 01, 2015 By R. Christopher Manzari, J. Kevin O'Donnell BioPharm International Volume 3, Issue 28 Since the introduction of commercial chromatography resins approximately six de…

Article The Importance of Partnering for Bioanalytical Studies
The Importance of Partnering for Bioanalytical Studies Yakobchuk Olena/  Bioanalytical studies are an important aspect of biologic drug development that may necessitate…

Article Successfully Moving Regulated Data to the Cloud
In light of recent FDA guidance on data integrity, the challenges and benefits of using the public cloud to deploy and use data management software are discussed. By Stuart Ward …

Article Ensuring Viral Safety of Viral Vaccines and Vectors
Ensuring Viral Safety of Viral Vaccines and Vectors Viral vaccines and viral vectors used in biotherapeutic applications carry the risk of microbial contamination, which must be addressed. …

Article Modeling and Miniaturization: Key Topics at Successful HTPD Conference
Carsten Radtke from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology presented novel approaches with 3D printing for new HTPD tools and also an entry point to bioprinting. And, Oliver Hardick from Puridify presented…

Article Unifying Continuous Biomanufacturing Operations
The success of a truly integrated continuous processing platform relies on the collaborative efforts of upstream and downstream specialists. By Randi Hernandez When human cells travel throug…

Article Being Thorough When Transferring Technology
Communication and taking the time to develop the process are key to successful transfer and scale up of biologics. By Susan Haigney Editor's note: The following is an extended version of the…

Article Safety Drives Innovation in Animal-Component-Free Cell-Culture Media Technology
Advances in cell culture media technology have helped achieve safer biologics. By Tom Fletcher, Holden Harris Regulatory expectations for cell-culture-based biologics production processes ch…

Article Managing Biomanufacturing Capacity Expectations
Capacity for complex therapeutics is becoming increasingly difficult to predict. By Randi Hernandez Demand for any given new product is typically only known after significant investments h…

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