Search results for " scale-up"

Article Advanced Technologies Facilitate Scale-up and Technology Transfer
FDA’s focus on the need for updates is creating both opportunities and challenges for biologics manufacturers involved in the scale-up and transfer of production technologies. Single-use and modular t…

Article Overview of a scale-up of a cell-based influenza virus production process using ReadyToProcess equipment
The white paper includes a brief discussion around modern vaccine processes, followed by a case study showing the scale-up of upstream and downstream processes for the production of a cell based live …

Article FAQ: Scale-up and scale-down with mechanistic modeling
The model eases scale-up and scale-down between lab scale and production scale. To apply model-based scale-up and scale-down in a straightforward manner, you must know the scale-dependency of the unde…

Article Factors Which Impact mAb Process Scale-Up
Fast Trak™ scientists discuss factors that can influence a successful scale-up outcome.

Article Multidimensional Scale-Up of a Monoclonal Antibody Capture Step, Using ÄKTA™ pilot 600
In this work, a multidimensional scale-up (change of both column diameter and bed height) of a mAb capture step, using the ÄKTA pilot 600 chromatography system, is demonstrated. Column volume per…

Article Considerations in depth filter scale-up
…es, what parameters to focus on during development, and how to set appropriate safety factors during scale-up. Watch now

Article A Look into Biologic Scale-Up Strategies
Optimizing cell-culture processes for monoclonal antibody (mAb) production is a key factor in scaling up manufacturing to commercial levels. To maximize cell-culture output, strategy is requir…

Article Scale-Up Model of a mAb Process from Microbioreactor to XDR-1000
A theoretical scale-up study was performed on a mAb process based on physical characterizations done on the Xcellerex XDR platform, from micro reactors up to large production-sized reactors. All inves…

Poster Scale-up and process economy calculations of a dAb purification process using ready-to-use products
Purification of a domain antibody (dAb) in a chromatography capture step was successfully scaled from laboratory to pilot scale using ready-to-use equipment and ready-made buffers. The scaled-up pro…

Article Selected courses from cell culture and downstream process development to scale-up and manufacturing
Develop your skills and those of your teams with training courses designed for researchers, process development scientists, engineers, and manufacturing operators. Built upon our expertise…

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