Search results for " mAbs"
Fusion Proteins Pose Manufacturability Challenges
The unique structures of fusion proteins lead to expression, heterogeneity, and stability issues.
By Cynthia A. Challener
Fusion proteins are engineered proteins that contain domains from di…
Mechanistic Modeling of Preparative Ion-Exchange Chromatography
By Anurag Rathore, Vijesh Kumar
Among the various downstream processing unit operations that are used for purification of biotech products, chromatography is uniquely capable of providing resolu…
Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance for Detection of Bispecific Antibody Activity
Surface plasmon resonance is helping define bispecific antibodies, the next-generation of biopharma therapeutics.
By Robert Karlsson
Biotherapeutic antibodies are still the larg…
Purification of monoclonal antibodies using modern chromatography media and membranes
This white paper is a guide to the development of MAb purification platforms and provides an overview of Cytiva’s offering of process chromatography media (resins) and membranes for MAb purification…
Three-step monoclonal antibody purification processes using modern chromatography media
This application note describes monoclonal antibody (MAb) purification processes using the expanded mAb purification toolbox of Cytiva business, covering modern chromatography media (resins) for sta…
SEC in the Modern Downstream Purification Process
Mar 01, 2015
By R. Christopher Manzari, J. Kevin O'Donnell
BioPharm International
Volume 3, Issue 28
Since the introduction of commercial chromatography resins approximately six de…
The Bullish Outlook for Biosimilars
Feb 01, 2015
By Jill E. Sackman, PhD, Michael J. Kuchenreuther, PhD
BioPharm International
There are several important reasons for stakeholders to be optimistic about prospects for b…
Milestones and Moderate Progress in 2012 Drug Approvals
First gene therapy and plant-based expression vector products approved in 2012.
In terms of product approvals, the past year can be considered reasonably successful. Twelve biopharm…
Address the complexity of protein characterization
Since the FDA approved the first monoclonal based therapy in 1985, mAbs have had significant clinical success and have been used to provide effective treatment for a range of diseases. Durin…
Downstream Process Developers: What are Your Antibody Processing Challenges?
Process developers, we want to hear from you! We're asking PD scientists to tell us about their biggest challenges developing downstream processes for mAbs and their variants.
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