Search results for " optimization" in Articles / App Notes
Selecting the Right Viral Clearance Technology
Literature data can help in evaluating and planning effective optimization of these steps.
A matter of balance
Implementation of viral clearance steps must be accomplished without affecting th…
Determining Criticality, Part Two: DoE and Data-Driven Criticality
• Optimization (central composite, Box-Behnken). To generate response surfaces and illustrate second-order (quadratic) relationships between process parameters and CQA. This analysis allows optimal se…
Single-Use Technologies Prove Effective for Viral Vector Process Development
The well-known limitations of flatware in terms of scalability, reliability, and process optimization have caught the attention of end-users, however. “Scaling-out to achieve large quantities of viral…
Achieving Process Balance with Perfusion Bioreactors
Advances in single-use technologies, sensors, and cell retention systems facilitate processes designed for the long run.
By Cynthia A. Challener
Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
In this study, utilizing a combination of high-throughput condition screening in 96-well plates, optimization in small-scale column models, and a novel virus-spiking strategy, the authors have develop…
The New World of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
Isberg (Entegris): I continue to hear that one of the biggest challenges is consistency and optimization of the materials used to manufacture single-use systems. Materials of construction have changed…
Unifying Continuous Biomanufacturing Operations
The success of a truly integrated continuous processing platform relies on the collaborative efforts of upstream and downstream specialists.
By Randi Hernandez
When human cells travel throug…
Quality by design for biotechnology products—part 1
Rational design approaches make it possible to identify and engineer better protein therapeutic candidates right from the start, which combined with process optimization can pave the way for less freq…
Enhancing Resins Addresses Purification Concerns
Deorkar notes that hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) and anion exchange (AEX) chromatography can be used, but careful optimization of conditions is required to be applicable for large-scale…
Remote Monitoring and Big Data Advance Upstream Automation
Hybrid models have also been used for predicting yields and endpoints with the integration of optimization algorithms for model predictive control in APC strategies,” he comments.
Such innovations…