Search results for " continuous" in Articles / App Notes

Article Introduction to mRNA Manufacturing
Explore the mRNA universe with Cytiva. In this series, our scientists share their journey and insights on mRNA synthesis for research purposes. And they share their advice on how to sca…

Article Trends in Outsourcing of Bioprocess Development
The development of biologic drugs continues to increase at a rapid pace. Growing numbers of conventional recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies, as well as next-generation molecules su…

Article Evolving demands of process development services
Shifting demands from industry innovators is leading to an increased need for flexible and agile outsourcing partners offering broad and integrated models. Over the years and in light o…

Article Late stage failures of monoclonal antibodies
Despite the significant developments that have happened in clinical trial design and the considerable experience that the biopharma industry has gained in the past three decades, therapeutic…

Article A Small-Scale Model to Increase Yield in Cell Culture Perfusion of mAb at Large Scale
Read more>> As process intensification is adopted into large-scale manufacturing, the responsibility on scale-down models to accurately represent the expanded operating space quickly follow…

Article Explore the Process Intensifier App
• Downstream capture (protein A step) operations: explore the possibilities of high-capacity resins, Fibro rapid cycling, and continuous multicolumn chromatography. • Both as a connected operati…

Article Track-and-Trace Progress Benefits Supply-Chain Security Efforts
By Agnes Shanley The industry has made great strides in implementing serialization technologies, while technology developers are enabling more open access to real-time transportation data. S…

Article Cell-free Expression Systems Pose Cell Culture Alternative
Cell-free expression is promising in preclinical applications, but still presents challenges to scale up for commercial production. Feliza Mirasol Among the challenges in upstrea…

Article A Small-Scale Model to Increase Yield in Cell Culture Perfusion of mAbs at Large Scale
Read full article>> As process intensification is adopted into large-scale manufacturing, the responsibility on scale-down models to accurately represent the expanded operating space quic…

Article Strategies and Emerging Technologies for mAb Capture
View this on-demand webcast >> In this webinar, we will describe and evaluate different process intensification strategies for the monoclonal antibody (mAb) capture step. Strategies wi…

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