Search results for "expression" in Articles / App Notes
Putting Viral Clearance Capabilities to the Test
… says, and cell banks and end-of-production cells are tested to identify species of origin, confirm expression construct stability, and to demonstrate the absence of potential bacterial and viral con…
Single-Use Workflow for Recovery of a Domain Antibody from E. coli Culture Feed in an Automated Manner
This application note demonstrates the performance of the automated ÄKTA™ readyflux single-use filtration system in microfiltration applications. Here, a domain antibody (dAb) expressed in E. col…
Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
This study outlines methods for an alternative protein-polishing process for challenging proteins.
Patenting Prospects for Cell-Based Therapies
Cell-based therapies are moving medical treatments forward, but intellectual property uncertainties may delay progress.
By Kevin Noonan
Treatment using cell-based therapies is a rapidl…
From Darwin to Recombinant Fc Multimers
…ategy to deliver a high-level purity and quality recombinant VIIa (rhFVIIa) from a somewhat unusual expression system: milk of transgenic rabbits. LFB’s objective is to develop an rhFVIIa treatment e…
Managing Residual Impurities During Downstream Processing
“With the diversification of expression systems, the immunoassay approach may become increasingly difficult to follow, and regulation around alternative methods could become necessary,” she asserts.
Being Thorough When Transferring Technology
Communication and taking the time to develop the process are key to successful transfer and scale up of biologics.
By Susan Haigney
Editor's note: The following is an extended version of the…
Cost Considerations Drive Lean Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
Conditions of growth, the type of expression system, the formulation of the final product, and packaging decisions also affect the essential character of the product.
Adam Elhofy, chief science of…
Reconciling Sensor Communication Gaps
Expression is “where the action is—where throughput and volumetric productivity exert the greatest influence on cost of validation, and calibration.
The desirability of platform pur…
Biopharma in 2016: Higher Quality Drugs, Less Expensive Manufacturing
The year ahead is expected to be marked by increased biosimilar development, lower drug prices, and better quality drugs.
The global biopharmaceuticals market was valued at $162 billion in 2014 a…