Search results for " virus" in Articles / App Notes

Article Next Generation Bioprocesses: Mapping Roads to the Future
In downstream processing, it can be intensified capture, in-line virus inactivation, flow through polishing, in-line virus filtration, or single-pass filtration. Click here to read the article.

Article Case Study: Oncolytic Adenovirus Production
These viruses selectively replicate in tumor cells and effectively kill these cells without harming normal cells. Selectively engineered, the virus not only destructs the target tumor cell, but also s…

Article Manufacturing of Viral Vectors
Viruses are infectious agents that can only replicate inside of living cells. This trait is used by molecular biologists for the delivery of genetic materials into cells. Viral vectors are also explor…

Article Optimization of Adenovirus Midstream Purification Steps
Based on the results, suggestions for the choice of consumables and conditions for virus release and filtration is described. To read the application note, click here.

Article Single-use Bioreactors Have Reached the Big Time
The data obtained with this sensor are useful for adjusting feed rates in real time and for defining the point for virus injection during vaccine cell culture, according to Adams. Meanwhile, glucose a…

Article Biopharma Manufacturers Respond to Ebola Crisis
8-9 The development of new treatments to combat the lethal Ebola virus has been slow, stymied by difficulties in testing compounds for deadly diseases and the reluctance of both public and private …

Article Evolution of the Monoclonal Antibody Purification Platform
Virus filtration step is the method of choice as another orthogonal step for virus removal. Major Adaptations to the mAb Platform Use of multiple washes in Protei…

Article In silico optimization of AAV full/empty particle separation with AIEX
The separation of adeno-associated virus (AAV) with high yield and purity is an increasingly important challenge. Mechanistic modeling is the tool of choice to find the optimal AIEX chromatogr…

Article Alternative solutions to separate AAV full and empty capsids using anion exchange
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is the main vector for gene therapy and there is need for scalable, cost-efficient, and robust chromatography-based purification. Key for a successful process are …

Article A Closer Look at Affinity Ligands
Affinity ligands play an exciting role in the ever-growing sphere of downstream processing. In speaking with BioPharm International®, Phillip Elliott, PhD, associate director of Process Development,…

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