Search results for "bioprocess"
Biopharma Seeks Balance
…ing, continuous manufacturing for downstream processes, and a manufacturing platform for continuous bioprocesses (2).
New challenges to manufacturing
Manufacturing processes have tra…
Miniaturization to Become Even More Successful
Industrial bioprocess development has changed significantly in the last decade, driven primarily by two major factors: ever-rising R&D costs of developing therapeutic candidates with simultaneous de…
Putting Viral Clearance Capabilities to the Test
Challenges in study design
The multi-step nature of bioprocesses—and the viruses themselves—present challenges to the development of viral clearance studies and limit their effectiveness.
Cleaning Protein A Resins with 1 M NaOH
Historically, protein A resins have been less chemical resistant to high concentrations of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the commonly used cleaning and sanitization agent in bioprocessing. In this applicat…
Going Viral
How a new factory-in-a-box is helping scale up manufacturing of viral vector-based therapies to reach more patients.
Manufacturing viral vector-based therapies such as vaccines and gene…
Flow Accuracy and Gradient Performance of ÄKTA pilot 600 Chromatography System
Accurate flow is important for your chromatography step to provide reproducible results at different scales. A comparable flow accuracy between scales can facilitate scaling of your methods.
Biopharmaceutical Market in Asia: Q&A with Günter Jagschies, Strategic Customer Relations Leader, Cytiva
You are part of the organization committee for the 3rd BioProcessing Asia conference, which has been announced to take place 12-15th of November 2018 on Langkawi, Malaysia. What are some specific topi…
Applying GMPs in Stages of Development
Applying GMPs in Stages of Development
Regardless of the phase of development and the level of GMPs being applied, there should be adequate controls and knowledge to assure patient safety, …
Evaluation of Performance of a Disposable mAb Affinity Chromatography Column Used Over Multiple Process Cycles
Presanitized and prequalified disposable chromatography columns are widely used to save time in downstream processes. However, reuse of such columns could positively impact process economy. This app…
Efficient Cleaning-In-Place Methods for Protein-Based Antibody Affinity Chromatography Resins
As the use of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is considered standard in the bioprocessing industry, the impact of treatment of affinity resins with various concentrations of this cleaning agent is demonstrate…