Search results for "buffer" in Articles / App Notes
Best Practices in Qualification of Single-Use Systems
Single-use buffer filtration system and storage bag application is common in downstream processes. Final drug-product sterile filtration and transfer using SUS has also being increasingly applied to f…
Optimizing Cation-Exchange Chromatography with High-Throughput Process Development for mAb Purification
The issues with dilution have not been observed for buffers and salt containing aqueous solutions.
Optimizing binding capacity
The dynamic binding capacity is dependent upon several experiment…
Re-use of Protein A Resin: Fouling and Economics
A typical Protein A chromatography process consists of five steps: pre-equilibration and equilibration of the column; capture of the mAbs from the harvest; wash step with the selective buffer to remov…
Detecting Protein Aggregates and Evaluating their Immunogenicity
Higher concentrations of a protein formulation can increase the probability of aggregation, as well as changes in solution pH, temperature, buffer choice, agitation, and storage conditions. “Although …
SEC in the Modern Downstream Purification Process
SEC can also be used as a fast, simple step for buffer exchange. Small molecules such as salts and unconjugated labels or payloads are easily separated from larger species in desalting and buffer-exch…
Analyzing Proteins Using SEC, MALS, and UHPLC
The range of columns and buffers available for use in SEC, however, means that there are always improvements to be made in method development, according to Pothecary. “Alternative columns, different …
Under pressure: exploring root causes of leaks in single-use mixers
More minor issues, like buffer leaks during a mixing step, are less costly, but they still have an impact – increasing the time, material, and consumable use for that step.
Here we’ll take a look …
Advances in Sterilization Technologies for Overcoming Viral-Vector Manufacturing Challenges
Finally, Langhauser highlights the increased availability today of GMP-compliant small tangential-flow filtration (TFF) systems with peristaltic pumps for performing buffer exchange at extremely low v…
FAQs about Cytiva™ Protein Select™ technology
The protocol does not require the use of a protease, and the same buffer can be used for equilibration, binding, wash, and elution.
This FAQ page provides answers to a range of questions covering …
Webinar about a new affinity chromatography technology for recombinant proteins
The protocol does not require the use of a protease, and the same buffer can be used for equilibration, binding, wash, and elution.
Watch this webinar to learn more about this new affinity chrom…