Search results for " IEX" in Articles / App Notes
Online Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEX) Resource Hub—All in One Place
If you use ion exchange chromatography, check out Cytiva's online IEX resource hub for useful information, from fundamentals to tips for advanced practitioners.
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How Coupling MALS to IEX Can Help Protein Characterization
Coupling ion exchange chromatography (IEX) to multi-angle light scattering (MALS) can open new opportunities in protein characterization. Mario Lebendiker and Hadar Amartely from The Hebrew University…
Updated Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEX) Handbook
The update brings Sepharose and Capto IEX media together in the same book and the contents will ensure you get the most from your purification runs.
In addition to a new chapter on large-scale pur…
Process Chromatography: Continuous Optimization
IEX chromatography is widely used due to its versatility, while HIC is an orthogonal technique to IEX and, therefore, the two are often used in series, according to Westman. Generally for mAbs, both s…
How Can A Chromatography Bead Free Up Your Time?
Have you ever considered how a resin bead in your chromatography column can affect your ion exchange (IEX) chromatography run time?
Read this blog and learn how you can optimize the time spen…
Rethinking ion exchange chromatography modeling
Read more on the collodial particle adsorption (CPA) model in IEX >>
Enhancing Resins Addresses Purification Concerns
Affinity chromatography, such as oligodT is commonly used for a capture step, and removal of dsRNA can be achieved by RP or IEX resin steps. “Conversely, with production, other methods, such as membra…
Ion Exchange Chromatography: Introducing New Capto™ HiRes Columns
These new-generation columns are the latest IEX columns delivering the highest resolution, for laboratory-scale purification.
• Designed for the preparation of highly pure proteins and for prote…
Reduce Hands-On Time in Your Ion Exchange Chromatography Runs
Explore four valuable tips for reducing IEX hands-on time with automation tools.
Protein Purification Troubleshooting Guide
Includes general tips and specific help for SEC, AC, IEX, and HIC*. Get practical advice on small changes and active choices that can significantly impact your purification results.