Search results for " CFD" in Articles / App Notes

Article Modeling Bioreactor Performance
Companies have also used CFD modeling to theoretically compare the suitability of different single-use bioreactors for their specific purposes because it allows not only comparison of the performance …

Article Cell-Culture Advances Test Bioreactor Performance Models
More advanced use of hybrid models such as CFD combined with first principles kinetic models are also effective to assess the impact of bioreactor design on performance, according to Mistretta. “Use o…

Article Current Techniques and Challenges Presented in Scaling Between Bioreactors
It is also amended by CFD calculations which could describe things which cannot be measured. You need calculation power to calculate multiple scaling relevant power meters. Thereafter, the operating p…

Article Mixing dynamics in a large volume single use mixer
Large volume single-use technology mixers can be used for mixing operations throughout the entire bioprocess  workflow. Large-volume mixers are mainly required in clinical three-scale and production…

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