Search results for " binding" in Articles / App Notes
How To Interpret Protein Binding Capacity: Chromatography Resins
Explore what protein binding capacity is, how it can be measured and what exactly to look for on a manufacturer’s specification sheet in this blog post.
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Determining and Optimizing Dynamic Binding Capacity
Dynamic binding capacity (DBC) indicates the quantity of a specific biomolecule that can be bound during a chromatography purification step under a specific set of process conditions. Determ…
Dynamic Binding Capacity in Fiber-Based Chromatography
Just like with resins, the dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of a Fibro unit is affected by process conditions and by the properties of the target molecule. Thus, determining the DBC of a Fibro unit is s…
Alkaline stability of Fc and VH3 binding in protein A resins
In this study, we have looked at how different antibody binding sites of a protein A ligand are affected by cleaning in place (CIP). We evaluated NaOH incubation and the effect of performed CIP cycles…
How to Determine Dynamic Binding Capacity (DBC) of Chromatography Resins
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In protein purification, dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of a chromatography column describes the maximum amount of target protein that you can load onto your co…
Interpreting Protein Binding Capacities for Chromatography Resins
In this post, we explain what protein binding capacity is, how it can be measured, and what to look for on a manufacturer's specification sheet.
Bind, Cut, Elute — Easy Affinity Tag and Protease Removal
This blog post discusses automated methods for removing an affinity tag and the protease. The tag is cleaved while the protein is still bound to the affinity re…
Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance for Detection of Bispecific Antibody Activity
Compared to traditional small-molecule drugs, their structures are complex, and they may assert their effects by binding to more than one target molecule. To date, the majority of monoclonal antibodie…
Real-Time Characterization of Biotherapeutics and Comparability of Biosimilars
SPR is a rapidly emerging tool for studying ligand binding interactions with membrane proteins, which are the major molecular targets for biopharmaceutical products (6). In SPR, one of the interactant…
Ligand-Binding Assays and the Determination of Biosimilarity
The importance of binding activity
Most biotherapeutics rely on specific binding activities to achieve a clinical effect. Therefore, matching the binding activities of a biosimilar candidate to th…