Search results for " monoclonality"
Continued Process Verification for Biopharma Manufacturing
The authors discuss complications of implementing continued process verification and provide recommended approaches.
Oct 1, 2014
By: Jeff Fleming, Robin Payne
BioPharm International
Application of Quality by Design to Viral Safety
A quality-by-design approach defines a range of potential viral contaminants of source materials and can be used to effectively achieve viral clearance.
Oct 1, 2014
BioPharm International
Healthcare Reform in China
Chinese healthcare reforms may be a double-edged sword for foreign companies.
Sep 1, 2014
By: Jane Wan
BioPharm International
Volume 27, Issue 9, pp. 8-12
On March 25, 2014, the…
Single-Domain Antibodies for Brain Targeting
Single-domain antibodies are emerging as credible alternatives due to their target specificity, high affinity, and cost-effective recombinant production.
Smaller recombinant antibody fragments a…
Concentrating Feed—an Applicable Approach to Improve Antibody Production
In this study, the authors evaluated different approaches to prepare highly concentrated feed media for fed-batch Chinese hamster ovary cell culture. By raising the pH or by adding surfactants, the fe…
Q&As with Industry Leaders
Discovering the unknown: How does in silico process development change PD scientists’ work?
Jeanne Linke Northrop, BioPharm International
Nora Ketterer, Manager, Modeling Services…
Predicting Progress in Protein Aggregation
Techniques to enable the design and formulation of stable, protein-based therapeutics.
In silico analysis and the evaluation of formulability, aided by new analytical tools such as hydrogen deut…
2014 Manufacturing Trends and Outlook
Single-use systems and other technologies drive process efficiencies, but there is room for improvement.
In a recent survey of current trends and practices in biopharmaceutical manufacturing…
Drugs, At What Cost?
Generics, market dynamics, and global demand are changing drug spending patterns.
The underlying question for any drug in development is: What price can (or will) patients pay for the needed…
Best Practices in Adopting Single-Use Systems
Key considerations for implementing single-use components or platforms when moving from research to process development.
The adoption of single-use systems in biopharmaceutical production or…