Search results for " chromatography"
On-Demand Webinar: A Route to Deeper Process Understanding—Studying Resin Variability Using a Process Characterization Kit
This webinar illustrates a cation exchange chromatography process development workflow to assess the effect of ligand density variability on product quality and process performance using a Process Cha…
Nurturing Knowledge from Disparate Data Streams
Difficulties in MS and NMR
Separation techniques such as gas chromatography (GC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), and gel electrophoresis when couple…
Cytiva Opens Biotechnology Manufacturing Center in UK
In the first half of 2019, the center will start producing a fiber-based chromatography purification platform, which has the potential to improve efficiency in the purification steps of manufacturing …
Multistep Protein Purification: Gain Time and Consistency
During the webinar, questions were asked about different aspects of multistep protein chromatography and how to automate multiple protein purification steps. A summary of the benefits and gains using …
A Plastic Pipeline for Commercial Bioprocessing?
Less than two-thirds use disposable chromatography systems and less than half use disposable perfusion devices.
All product types evaluated in the survey—except sampling systems—ar…
Recent Advances in the Use of Exoglycosidases to Improve Structural Profiling of N-glycans from Biologic Drugs
Fluorescently labeled N-glycans are commonly analyzed by separation using high- or ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC or UHPLC, respectively) coupled to fluorescence detection (FLR), o…
Generate an Automated Purification Protocol in Three Steps Using Predefined Methods
Regardless of the chromatography technique you are using or if you are using a combination of techniques, UNICORN™ software used for ÄKTA™ systems provides years of purification experience built …
Multidimensional Scale-Up of a Monoclonal Antibody Capture Step, Using ÄKTA™ pilot 600
In this work, a multidimensional scale-up (change of both column diameter and bed height) of a mAb capture step, using the ÄKTA pilot 600 chromatography system, is demonstrated. Column volume per…
Connected Polishing and Concentration Under One Automation Method
Here, the ÄKTA™ ready chromatography system was directly connected to the ÄKTA readyflux filtration system, for polishing and concentration of a target molecule. One automation method was cr…
Will My Buffers Work When Using an Inline Conditioning System?
The system can be used off-line as a standalone central buffer preparation station to feed different processes in the facility or in-line connected to a chromatography column using a built-in chromato…