Search results for " immunoassay" in Articles / App Notes

Article The Path to High-Quality Immunoassay Reagents
How Biacore surface plasmon resonance is shaping today’s assay development and selection of diagnostic reagents. Click here to learn more >>

Article Host-Cell Protein Measurement and Control
In the case of an immunoassay, a polyclonal antibody (pAb) used in the test is generated by immunization with a preparation of a production cell minus the product-coding gene, fusion partners, or othe…

Article Managing Residual Impurities During Downstream Processing
Methods include immunoassays, electrophoresis, Western blots, and chromatographic and proteomic techniques. The standard provides information on the assay development cycle, development and characteri…

Article Tackling Analytical Method Development for ADCs
Finally, bioanalytical immunoassays, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are used for quantitation of the ADC, naked antibody, and free drug content, determination of the extent of ADC …

Article Biacore SPR Technology Applied to Precision Diagnostics
Sign up >> Read this overview of Biacore™ surface plasmon resonance (SPR), a diagnostic tool to aid and simplify immunoassay reagent selection and accelerate the development of fit-for-purpose d…

Article An Analytical Approach to Biosimilar Drug Development
Providing analytical data on the comparison between a biosimilar and the reference product is a primary consideration in the development of biosimilars. By Feliza Mirasol …

Article Predicting Progress in Protein Aggregation
…s for the determination of protein aggregation, including high throughput capillary electrophoresis, immunoassays, and the optical imaging of aggregates for both quantitative and qualitative evaluati…

Article The Importance of Partnering for Bioanalytical Studies
BioPharm International spoke with Robert Kernstock, PhD, director, Immunoassay Laboratory Services at ICON, and Neelanjan Bose, PhD, director of Bioanalytical Chemistry at Emery Pharma, both contract …

Article Real-Time Characterization of Biotherapeutics and Comparability of Biosimilars
Karlsson, “Surface Plasmon Resonance in Binding Site, Kinetic, and Concentration Analyses,”  in The Immunoassay Handbook, D. Wild, Ed. (Elsevier, San Diego, CA, Fourth ed., 2013), pp. 209-222. 2…

Article Nurturing Knowledge from Disparate Data Streams
Structural assays are often augmented with behavior immunoassays. All of these data must be ‘assembled’ together to create the complete picture. That can be challenging to do digitally, because orthog…

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