Search results for " titers" in Articles / App Notes

Article Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
In response, titers for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and Fc-fusion proteins have significantly increased (1-5). Particularly for Fc-fusion proteins, these improvements have resulted in a …

Article Technical and Process Economical Aspects of Using Capto™ Q and ReadyToProcess™Adsorber Q in mAb Polishing
For efficient operations, downstream purification needs to be able to handle high product titers at short process time. Compared with conventional chromatography, using stainless steel columns, the us…

Article Improving Process-Scale Chromatography
…r changes in feed composition and improved ultraviolet capabilities to handle feed streams with high titers and/or backgrounds. The company has also recently introduced a new periodic counter-current…

Article Designing a Biomanufacturing Facility Incorporating Single-Use Technologies
Asking the right questions is crucial to establishing a facility design. By Peter Genest, John Joseph The benefits of adopting single-use technologies in the production of biopharmaceuticals…

Article Trends in Single-use Bioreactors
…rocesses up to the 2000 L scale, which today is seen as the production scale of the future given the titers of modern cell lines. However, there are still challenges to adopting single-use bioreactor…

Article Challenges and Trends in Biopharma Facility Design
In the case of producing a blockbuster drug, a large-scale stainless steel facility might actually be the most economical choice, especially if you have low titers and are starting from high-volume bi…

Article Trends in Downstream Bioprocessing
By contrast, prior year comments included more detail and more indication of problems: • Downstream still is not keeping up with increasing titers. • Expression systems are producing 5 times w…

Article HT Multi-Product Liquid Chromatography for Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies
If used correctly, these new analytical methods can reduce analysis and product development time. ABSTRACT Monoclonal antibodies represent a significant portion of sales in the biopharma…

Article Overview of a scale-up of a cell-based influenza virus production process using ReadyToProcess equipment
Similar virus titers and HA concentrations were measured in the 10 L culture (data not shown) as in the 50 L culture (Fig 4).  A more detailed description of the cell culturing and virus infecti…

Article A Closer Look at Affinity Ligands
Affinity ligands play an exciting role in the ever-growing sphere of downstream processing. In speaking with BioPharm International®, Phillip Elliott, PhD, associate director of Process Development,…

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