Search results for "concentration" in Articles / App Notes

Article Advanced Technologies Facilitate Scale-up and Technology Transfer
Single-use and modular technologies plus continuous manufacturing are increasingly important to biopharma scale-up and tech transfer. Jun 01, 2015 By Cynthia A. Challener BioPharm Inte…

Article Modular Manufacturing Platforms for Biologics
May 01, 2015 By Randi Hernandez BioPharm International Volume 28, Issue 5 It should come as no surprise that the good design principles governing the execution of pharmaceutical manu…

Article Continuous Chromatography: Trends, Definitions and Approaches
For the very low titer processes, or rather for the cases where the ratio of capacity-to-feed concentration is very high, even a 2-column system will be sufficient. Can you comment on the import…

Article Re-use of Protein A Resin: Fouling and Economics
Other significant attributes include the level of Protein A leachate in the pool, concentration of DNA in the pool, growth media composition, and the amount of lipids in the pool (Figure 4A). Figu…

Article Trends in Single-use Bioreactors
Representatives from industry supplier companies address innovations, reliability, barriers to adoption, and the role of singIe-use bioreactors in bioprocessing. By: Randi Hernandez Whil…

Article Evaluating Design Margin, Edge of Failure and Process
When the edge of failure analysis is generated, however, there is a high failure rate for concentration. Examination of the edge of failure makes sure the set point is safe in the design space and the…

Article Single-Domain Antibodies for Brain Targeting
sdAbs have similar affinity to antigens as whole antibodies, but are more heat-resistant and stable towards detergents and high urea concentrations. Those derived from camelid and fish antibodies are …

Article Outsourcing Trends in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
The author highlights the top 10 outsourcing trends revealed during a survey of biopharmaceutical manufacturers. The biopharmaceutical industry is changing the way it manufactures. According to …

Article Biotechnology Innovation and Growth in Israel
Israel's diverse population, high-quality healthcare system, and resilience to global financial stress make it a strong partner for R&D, clinical research, and market growth. …

Article Essentials in Establishing and Using Design Space
Design space is the result of system design, the selection of all reagents, excipients, API concentrations, materials, equipment, process set points, and tolerances. Methods for Design-Space …

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