Search results for " bioprocessing" in Articles / App Notes

Article The Outlook for CMO Outsourcing in 2019
BioPlan Associates’ survey of bioprocessing professionals [3]overall confirms that outsourcing to CMOs is being viewed increasingly as a desirable option (1). Routine services and products with smalle…

Article Digitalization: The Route to Biopharma 4.0
AI-ML Applications In Bioprocessing: ML as an Enabler of Real Time Quality Prediction in Continuous Manufacturing of Mabs. Computers & Chemical Engineering 2022, 164,107896. DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng…

Article Industry Adoption of Single-Use Systems Remains Low
For these companies, the only viable option for manufacture of an in-house product candidate would likely be the use of single-use bioprocessing equipment, aside from outsourcing. …

Article A Q&A With Günter Jagschies: Recovery of Biological Products Conference Series
Could you share your viewpoint on the importance of this meeting? The Recovery of Biological Products is probably the meeting most relevant to scientists, engineers, and managers in the bioprocess…

Article Host-Cell Protein Measurement and Control
Summary Adequate HCP removal is an important indication of robust and well-controlled bioprocessing. Due to the generally low abundance of HCPs in drug substance, however, it is quite a challenge …

Article Technologies and Practices Must Evolve to Meet Demand
As the percentage of large-molecule drugs grows, bioprocessing capabilities must keep pace with demand. In the annual Manufacturing Trends and Outlook survey, the editors of BioPharm International…

Article Raw Material Variability
It would seem that raw materials used in bioprocessing operations are a relatively straightforward factor given the overall complexity of commercial manufacturing. In fact, they give a surprisingly di…

Article Innovative Chromatography Resins Can Improve Purity and Quality
“The problem is that, with every DSP step, product yields decrease, while bioprocessing time and equipment occupancy goes up, along with DSP manufacturing risks,” Schub says. He also emphasizes th…

Article Updating Viral Clearance for New Biologic Modalities
Clearance challenges The challenge of demonstrating viral clearance in downstream bioprocessing depends on multiple factors. For most traditional biological products, viral removal is theoretical—…

Article Mechanistic Modeling: Current Advantages and Future Opportunities in Biopharmaceutical Process Development
Mechanistic modeling is considered a part of smart process development, which is a collection of approaches to get better process outcomes and speed up process development. This week, Bioproce…

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