Search results for " columns" in Articles / App Notes

Article New Selection Guide: Ion Exchange Chromatography Columns and Resins
Use these decision trees to find the most appropriate resin for your needs. Download

Article Optimizing Resin Performance with Disposable Chromatography Solutions
The experts addressed how disposable chromatography columns can be used throughout the life of a campaign, the costs and benefits associated with using prepacked columns, the complexities of resin str…

Article Process Chromatography Selection for Downstream Processing Applications
Periodic counter current chromatography (PCC) allows overloading of columns and continuous loading at the same time. Arranging two different modes of chromatography in series, operated with or without…

Article Making the Move to Continuous Chromatography
In continuous multicolumn chromatography, the large column is effectively split into a number of much smaller columns that operate in series over a larger number of cycles. While product is loaded on …

Article Re-use of Protein A Resin: Fouling and Economics
An additional concern is that the ability of chromatography columns to clear adventitious viruses may also be reduced with extended use (20). In view of this, there is a need to continuously monitor p…

Article SEC in the Modern Downstream Purification Process
This large difference eliminates the need to increase the bead particle size to allow for columns with longer bed heights to be packed, and eliminates the need for a column with a long bed height alto…

Article Mechanistic Modeling of Preparative Ion-Exchange Chromatography
By Anurag Rathore, Vijesh Kumar Among the various downstream processing unit operations that are used for purification of biotech products, chromatography is uniquely capable of providing resolu…

Article Addressing the Challenges in Downstream Processing Today and Tomorrow
PEGylation dramatically changes the chromatographic properties of proteins such that loading capacity is severely compromised thus requiring larger columns (33, 34). Additionally PEGylation can dramat…

Article Continuous Chromatography: Trends, Definitions and Approaches
All of the acronyms describe the same thing: a chromatography capture step-based utilizing multiple columns operated in a merry-go-round manner, where columns moved against the direction of feed flow.…

Article Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
HIC and CEX columns were packed in a vantage 0.66-cm or above column (MilliporeSigma) with a bed-height of 10 to 20 cm and residence times of five to six minutes were maintained upon scale-up. …

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