Search results for " protein" in Articles / App Notes
Reconciling Sensor Communication Gaps
For most of the history of the biomanufacture of therapeutic proteins, in-process measurement and control focused on upstream operations. Historically, cell culture and fermentation persist longest am…
Simplify chromatography method creation
Method creation is an essential part of preparing for automated protein purification runs. To save time and effort, method creation can be simplified and you can get to the point where you can start…
Downstream Processing Continues to Worry CMOs
Meanwhile a much larger proportion of respondents are investigating alternatives to protein A (27.6%) than actually switching to alternatives (6.6%), with this trend holding true for several years now…
Microbiological Testing: Time is of the Essence
Next-gen therapies have unique needs
The lengthy time to obtain results for traditional microbiological test methods, while not a technical issue for more stable proteins, antibodies, and other old…
Design and Qualification of Single-Use Systems
Much of SUT use occurs in therapeutic protein API production. International Council for Harmonization (ICH) Q7, European Medicines Agency (EMA) Q7, and FDA
Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance…
Selection Guide Size Exclusion Chromatography Columns and Media
A variety of media with different selectivities are available and cover a molecular weight range from Mr 100 to 100 000 000, from peptides to very large proteins, protein complexes, and virus.
Connect Alias™ Autosampler to ÄKTA™ Pure or ÄKTA Avant
When working with a large number of small volume samples, sample injection into your protein purification system can be tedious and time consuming. To minimize manual injections and save time, an auto…
Affinity Chromatography Handbook: Vol. 1 Antibodies
The use of recombinant technology opens up the potential to create an infinite number of combinations between immunoglobulins, immunoglobulin fragments, tags and selected proteins, further manipulatin…
Platform Approach Speeds Process Development
…uctivity and overall product yields in a biopharmaceutical process for the production of recombinant proteins.
At Boehringer Ingelheim (BI), advances have enabled higher performance benchmarks in…
Continuous Processing for the Production of Biopharmaceuticals
The dynamic mixer at the beginning of the reactor configuration provides the rapid mixing that is required during addition of reduced protein to the refolding buffer, and the CFIR provides constant mi…