Search results for " Protein A" in Articles / App Notes
Re-use of Protein A Resin: Fouling and Economics
BioPharm International
Volume 3, Issue 28
In the past two decades, Protein A affinity chromatography has remained the de facto capture step for purification of monoclonal antibod…
Optimization of Protein Expression in Escherichia Coli
Depending on the protein target, the ability to tune the level of expression of the target mRNA may give certain advantages, such as increased protein accumulation, increased protein solubility, and i…
Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
In most two-column downstream processing platforms, the first column is Protein A (ProA), which binds the target mAb directly from the harvested cell culture fluid. A low pH buffer is routinely used t…
Detecting Protein Aggregates and Evaluating their Immunogenicity
The mechanism of protein aggregation is not well understood, “but most proteins will aggregate when they are in an unfolded or partially folded state,” says Angelica Olcott, product manager at Protein…
Fusion Proteins Pose Manufacturability Challenges
“These fusion proteins include an Fc region, are taken from an IgG, that extends the serum half-life of the fusion partner, facilitates expression, and allows purification by protein A affinity chroma…
Host-Cell Protein Measurement and Control
Additionally, some of HCPs may copurify with recombinant protein and thus become enriched in the final bulk; however, the antibodies against these HCPs in the polyclonal antiserum raised against a moc…
Predicting Progress in Protein Aggregation
External factors do not alone determine when protein aggregation will occur. The physicochemical characteristics of the short polypeptide segments that comprise protein therapeutics also determine the…
Implications of Cell Culture Conditions on Protein Glycosylation
The authors present a review of the techniques commonly used for glycosylation analysis.
By Michiel E. Ultee, PhD, Dr. Richard Easton
This article reviews the implications of cell-culture co…
Analyzing Proteins Using SEC, MALS, and UHPLC
In addition, Pothecary says that characterization of oligomers, which are ordered assemblies of multiple proteins, is important because oligomerization controls protein activity. Measurement of molecu…
Challenges of Protein Aggregation During Purification
Removal of protein aggregates from biologic APIs is crucial due to their potential to increase immunogenicity. While most aggregates are formed during upstream operations, and the risk for …