Search results for " column" in Posters

Poster Columns up to 1600 mm in diameter packed with protein A chromatography medium using axial mechanical compression
Different methods have been developed to pack a broad range of chromatography media (resins) in columns with axial mechanical compression. This includes packing of traditional BioProcess™ media, such …

Poster Case Study: Improve Process Economy by Cycling of Prepacked Chromatography Columns
This customer case study evaluates process performance and economy when reusing a prepacked  ReadyToProcess™ 32 L (450/200) chromatography column over several cycles in a multiproduct facility. The re…

Poster Comparison of Three Different Screening Techniques for Predicting Step Elution Conditions for a Cation Exchanger
It is important that the screening can give an indication of the optimal conditions for binding and/or elution in a chromatographic column run. The aim of this study was to investigate conditions for …

Poster A Next Generation Protein A Chromatography Resin for Improved Productivity and Bioburden Control
mAb production using a Protein A capture step has followed a highly successful synergistic path the last 30 years. There are, however, remaining challenges. • The increased upstream titers in mA…

Poster Unlocking the potential for efficiency in downstream bioprocesses
It also shows how implementation of efficient process designs can overcome traditional downstream bottlenecks, such as time-consuming column packging, cleaning of equipment, and laborious buffer tank …

Poster Reduce Risk of Failure in Your Virus Clearance Study by Choosing Robust Scale-Down Chromatography Tools
Effective viral clearance studies remain one of the challenges facing manufacturers of biologics. These studies are an essential part of process validation and are critical to ensure drug safety. Vi…

Poster Rapid Process Development of a CIEX Step for a Biosimilar
HTPD experiments were performed in both in 96-well plates and small-scale columns.

Poster Residual DNA analysis in influenza vaccine processing
There are many commercially available DNA preparation kits that use different techniques to bind DNA, from spin columns with a DNA-binding membrane or resin to magnetic beads. However, these kits are …

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